Hi guys!
Well my name is... as you read it
but it is born for a reason: SoaSE, the first. I'm writing this to let you figure out how much I like this saga since 2008. I remember I was so in hype at that time that I bought the game as soon as I found it and when I installed it there was just a requirement: a strange extra program was needed by the name of 'Steam'
At that time I was unaware of the power of digital games: each time a physical DVD was needed and I was not happy to know that a new 'tool' have to be installed. But well if it is required to try Sins then let's give it a try.
On the first run Steam asked me my username and I don't remember why or how but for some reason SoaSE - I guess the loader but I don't remember exactly - generated it for me and it was 'Spacegal'. From that day on in Steam I became Spacegal because SoaSE chose for me (maybe the first generated name was spacegalactic but it was already there).
Sorry for the fairy tale... but I guess SoaSE fans may like to know
So with SoaSE I discovered Steam and the best 4X game ever but I'm also a plot/story fan and when I read about the lore I expected a campaign too but it wasn't there.
So now I'm here with the 2nd game already bought and after 2 hours of playing (btw I don't like TEC, I'm more and Advent guy
) I already love it: the new GUI is precious and the idea of managing everything directly from the planet is wonderful. The new engine is doing its magic and especially the explosions are something really serious. By playing to SoaSE2 I really had the impression that every choice can be managed way more quickly than in SoaSE and with just one click... but maybe it's the hype of the moment 
Anyway there is a but, huge but: well considering the past, considering it's the year 2022, considering that I'm a huge fan
and above all considering that we're in Early Access I've just one thing to ask: please, really please give us a campaign.
The first SoaSE was already perfect and my first impression on the 2nd is that you successfully inherited all the pros from the first game: what's really missing is a campaign to further appreciate the already rich lore out there, expand it and adding a lot to the game depth.
Thank you devs for bringing us SoaSE2: I hope you'll have a nice time working on it and I hope a campaign is/will be scheduled on your plan... 'FOR THE COMMUNITYYYY'.
May the unity light our path.