OK I'm sure 85% of the people in this forum know where to find this file diplomacy.user but, for the last 15%
C:\Users\NAME\AppData\Local\Ironclad Games\Sins of a Solar Empire\Setting
at least for 7 users and pretty close for XP so you'll figure it out, I believe in you..probably
diplomacy.user is the file you want to open in Notepad
Now here's MY diplomacy.user and all it's changes
TXT <-----irrelevant
Version 204 <-----just as irrelevant
PlayerName "BadTune" <-----Says Player if you're lazy
PlayerThemeIndex 3 <-----The icon you picked
PlayerPictureIndex 107 <-----the 3 faces you picked
PlayerColorIndex 3 <-----your color, I think this one's yellow...or orange
LastGameAddressConnectedTo "" <-----LEAVE IT ALONE
LastGameHostPortConnectedTo 6112
GameHostPort 6112
GameBroadcastPort 6000
EnableUPnPPortForwarding TRUE
VideoAdapterOrdinal 0
VideoIsWindowed TRUE <---self-explanatory
VideoRefreshRate 60 <----Self explanatory
VideoFullScreenWidth 1024 <-----Self explanatory for ALL the gray here
VideoFullScreenHeight 768
VideoWindowedWidth 1024
VideoWindowedHeight 768
VideoMultiSampleType 0
TextureCompressionEnabled TRUE
TextureQualityForShipColor 1 <-------detail quality 0-5 0low 5highest I play low end settings as you can see
TextureQualityForShipData 1
TextureQualityForShipBump 0
TextureQualityForModuleColor 1
TextureQualityForModuleData 1
TextureQualityForModuleBump 0
TextureQualityForPlanetColor 2
Gamma 0.500000
SoundMusicVolume 0.000000
SoundEffectVolume 0.080000
SoundDialogueVolume 0.050000
SoundUIVolume 0.000000
VoiceChatVolume 0.210000 <----steam chat option
SoundUseHardware FALSE
SoundStopWhenWindowLosesFocus TRUE
ChangeMusicVolumeInBattle TRUE
SoundStreamBufferSize 2000
IcoServerAddress "ico.stardock.com"
IcoServerPort 6100 <------things you have no business messing with...unless you're trying to break multi-player
IcoIsAccountNameSaved FALSE Unless you have experience, know what you're doing, have a private server
IcoAccountName ""
IcoShowChannelPlayerChanges TRUE
IcoShowFriendChanges TRUE
IcoHostGameOnProxyServer TRUE
CalculateCheckSumTickFrequency 50
CalculateCheckSumDetail 0
SaveCheckSumSnapShotsInGameTickFrequency 0
SaveCheckSumSnapShotsOnSave FALSE
IsCheckSumLoggingOn FALSE
IsAutoRecordOn FALSE <--SHOULD have been an in-game setting. No more recorded games ALL THE TIME
IsAutoSaveOn FALSE <-----it makes hamburgers.......seriously....self-explanatory
IsCloudSaveOn FALSE <------Steam's online save junk...in game option
AutoSaveTickFrequency 900 <------didn't change this but I'm running out of colors, rate of autosave(in seconds)
GS_CREATE_GALAXY_FOR_FRONTEND FALSE <---No more planets/stuff at game start, just deep space background(Me likes)
GS_EXHAUSTTRAILUPDATEINREALTIME TRUE <----nothing apparent as far as I tested
ModName ""
PrimaryPath ".\"
SecondaryPath "..\..\DataSource\"
ShowIntroMovies FALSE <---No more "iron clad, star dock,Diplomacy motion logos" just solid images cutting load time
ShowOpeningCinematic FALSE <----------THIS is for the cinimatic"we hate envoys" movie DIFFERENT FROM ^ that one
NVPerfHUDEnabled FALSE <----I have a better clue on what jellybeans are made of than this thing(clarification:no idea)
MeshMock FALSE <--------------------I think it could be the highlight mesh option, dunno though
ShowAsteroids FALSE
ShowElevators TRUE <------more blue, yay, stuff i don't need to explain, it's in options in game
ShowDustClouds FALSE
ShowPlanetRings TRUE
ShowDebris FALSE
ExhaustTrailDetail 0.430000
ShowConnections TRUE
ShowInfoCards TRUE
ShowGravWell TRUE
ShowNames FALSE
ShowTeamColors FALSE
ShowMainViewIcons TRUE
ShowMeshPlayerOwnerIconAlways FALSE
ShowMeshTeamColor TRUE
IsEmpireWindowStacked TRUE
MaxEmpireWindowStackSize 50 <--Mines,strike craft, everything, now will be 50 instead of 10 on the empire tree save space
AlwaysShowEmpireWindowFleets TRUE
ShowEmpireWindowFleets FALSE
ShowEmpireWindowBackdrop FALSE
ShowEmpireWindowAllies FALSE
ShowEmpireWindowEnemies TRUE
AutoPinPlanets FALSE
AutoPinCapitalShips TRUE
AutoPinFrigates FALSE
IsAutoPlaceModuleActive TRUE
IsCameraZoomToCursor TRUE
IsCameraFreeRotateEnabled FALSE
AreMouseButtonsSwapped FALSE
ShowUserInputOnInfoCards TRUE
ShowTacticalGrid TRUE <------------that's right, I build in the squares, bite me I like lines!! >=O
ShowCargoShipMainViewIcons TRUE
AlwaysAutoPlaceExtractors TRUE
InvertCameraHorizontalRotation FALSE
InvertCameraVerticalRotation FALSE
ShakeCamera FALSE
LastUsedPlayerDefName "PlayerPsi" <------it knows what YOU were last session
SaveStats TRUE <--Saves your game options (quick start/pirates active/income speed and such)
SavePlayerStats FALSE <-----End game statistics....turn this off..it just makes a useless save file, unless you keep records
SavePlayerEconomyDetails FALSE <----same as above
IsGameServerMigrationEnabled TRUE
UseColoredSkybox FALSE
UseDeepSpaceSkybox TRUE
EnableAutoStrafe TRUE
ShowQuickNPCWindow TRUE
AutoStrafeAreaSize 2
AutoStartGame FALSE <------Will start a game instantly by previous settings/records(probably not recommended)
MultiPlayerMaxPauseCount 10
LaggingPlayersToleranceForDropping 500
IsTextureBackgroundLoadingOn TRUE <----ICO's "When I should drop 'em" settings for online. again, touch at own risk
IsWatchedFilesOn FALSE
IsPostProcessSceneEnabled FALSE
IsShipBrighteningEnabled TRUE
MaxParticleCount 6000
MaxParticleSimulationsCount 2000 <---- This little orange section has to do with the amount of weapon fire, debris, stuff
MaxAsteroidCount 10000 floating about on screen at any given time (vanishing SFX happens after this MaxDustCloudParticleCount 5000 limit has been reached and such)
LastSinglePlayerSetupTab 1
LastSelectedScenarioName "DS-Voruk's Labyrinth" <--little bit of DS love here lol
LastSelectedBuildSpeed 1
LastSelectedCultureSpeed 1
LastSelectedIncomeSpeed 3
LastSelectedFleetSupply 1 <-----It knows what your last session settings were
LastSelectedResearchSpeed 3
LastSelectedShipPhysicsSpeed 1
LastSelectedAreTeamsLocked FALSE
LastSelectedArePiratesActive TRUE
LastSelectedUseQuickStart TRUE
LastSelectedDiplomaticVictoryEnabled FALSE
LastSelectedFlagshipVictoryEnabled FALSE
LastSelectedHomeworldVictoryEnabled FALSE
LastSelectedResearchVictoryEnabled FALSE <----added with Rebellion, in game victory types
LastSelectedOccupationVictoryEnabled FALSE
LastSelectedAlliedVictoryEnabled FALSE
LastSelectedVictorySpeed 0
LastSelectedNumberOfVictors 1
LastSelectedDiplomaticPointsSpeed 0 <------ Removed in Rebellion
LogOutput FALSE
ShowErrors FALSE <---------Stuff used/changed for modding....and some useless things I highlighted and colored
ZoomSensitivity 0.400000
SavedGameFileFormat 1
RecordedGameFileFormat 1
TiledScreenShotSize 5
LastSelectedIsBlackMarketEnabled TRUE
UseSystemCursor FALSE
FilteringType 0
ShadowQuality 0 <-------more rebellion additions, also in game changes
PlayCount 23
IsPlayerNameSet TRUE
And that's about the size of it, if you have questions about what some of this other stuff does, I dunno, only tested what I changed and some of it was just in other places buried in the forums so I'm probably as cluseless as you. Enjoy, hope some of the changes helps with the modding out there too ^^ especially for the mines More editing to come, I added colors this time!!
IT HAS BEEN COMPLETED!!!! sort of, enjoy your advanced settings
Legend: Changed Values In-Game Settings No Idea of True effect Record of last played settings
Particle display amount Iron Clad Online DON'T TOUCH Modder Stuff
Additional Notes: MaxEpirewindowStackSize For the love of God keep this in 2 digits
Updated Notes: Now with 70% less eye strain than before, yay=D
UPDATES FOR REBELLION: Ok, This STILL works, the settings file is just in a different place. Look under C:\user\USER\My Documents\My Games\Ironclad Games\Sins Rebellion\Setting and open rebellion.user in Notepad or Notepad++ The layout is EXACTLY the same as above.