Hello everybody 
Nice work on improved firing animations. Like Tek heavy cruiser.
Autocast for repair does not start to repair missing armor points. Full HP means that Autocast will ignore 0% filled armor bar.
Durability is now the armor of the hull HP, pretty interesting, how does armor work, seems armor strength is the mitigation that came from the shield. If Shield has any special mechanics apart from the new burst mechanic and takes full damage from any rapid fire weapon, seems like an interesting mechanic for further improvement and tweaking.
I also managed to use the new titan the one with The Maw skill,
I sent it all alone with 3 armor items upgrades and the rest - not sure. Not sure if Desperation or something else, the unit managed to heal its armor during combat. I do not know if this is bug or feature.
Economy is much faster and that is a pretty big improvement. Latest patch removed some requirements or which upgrade should be a prerequisite, pretty good. Less rigidity.
I guess you will be tweaking a bit the missile/flak counters, or the bombers being like tanks