heh. more vulnerabilities. the other one (spectre) affects amd too. though... the article is kinda confusing as it says amd is not vulnerable to meltdown which they label as variant 1 and 2, but then says amd is practically immune to 2 but will have to wait for microcode for variant 1 or recompile software with countermeasures.
ok.. the article got it mixed up.. variants 1 and 2 are spectre and meltdown is 3. hence amd immune for 3 but iffy on 1 and 2.
though the last comment about cert recommend throwing away cpu sounds nonsense. if intel, amd et al were told of vulnerability last june, they ain't going to apply hardware fixes to previous or even current gen cpu. doubtful about upcoming gen. so whatever you buy any time soon is vulnerable. for your average home user that is... server and stuff have more choices, but do you see companies making wholesale changes like that and betting whatever they change to won't have other issues yet to crop up? 
more info:
last 2 links to same thing
seeing as for whatever reason this patch hasn't appeared for me yet on windows update... i manually downloaded it off ms catalogue - https://www.catalog.update.microsoft.com/home.aspx
just 1 thing.. make sure if you are using 3rd party antivirus/security suite, check if they are patched to be compatible with the update.. and obviously you grabbed the right version for the right os....