Looks like I had two gifts in my steam inventory that were just sitting there. If anyone wants a copy of Natural Selection 2 or Hack'n'slash holla at me. Also got 2 -50% coupons for endless space.
May i have Natural Selection 2 ?
Sorry, I didn't think this through. I want to make sure someone who will play it gets it. So let's say you need 100 comments on this website and be registered before the month of May to get it.
May I have it? I will play it - a lot....
Also, if you search my posts, you will see that I have given away, or poffered several game licenses... most recent: Universe.
Sure, what's your steam id?
Can't find you. Link to profile?
OK, working on it.....
Sent profile name via PM here on SD forums.....
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