Hey Mecha-Lenin,
thx you for the first overview.
Nice to see you still around, when you are online average in sins?
Woud be nice to make some games..
funny story about the steamboys x) i hope the community will grow in Rebillion and get a solid playercount .
After playing many RTS games i honestly think sins is the greatest !!! i had the most fun here.
I actually downloading trinity x)
Usually around 21:00-1:00 Euro time. Mostly weekends, sometimes workdays.
And yeah, Sins are the best.
Then maybe someone should teach them rather then just beat them up like bullies.
Star, Quar and many others tried it. It just doesn't work for reasons which had been mentioned many times. If someone already knows the basics, loves the game and is smart enough to learn then I can teach him , no prob. But mass noob schools were tried by some DTs and failed.