I have heard a couple different accounts like this recently, both from Emails that were forwarded
and his actions don't seem to contradict these accounts....covering up Christian symbols in the background, belittling/misquoting scripture, not going to church, and before that going to some type of church that was very radical unlike a mainstream Christian church etc.
You could say the person in charge sets the tone. Maybe not directly, but that's the company you keep.
that and it could have been some sort of agreement that anything "Christmas" be changed to "Holiday" from the top on down. I would have imagined that this letter was some sort of form letter. Every business has their form letters and with a new admin they may tweak it a bit here and there but usually it's some sort of precedent already set from way back. So it was noticeable that in this letter "Christmas" was changed to "Holiday."
But yes, the company we keep says alot about who we are doesn't it?