1. When you have enough people in the game lobby and you press launch. Game will often just get "Stuck" at the loading screen (even after 5 minutes). People will start doing their ctrl-alt-del and you can hear the "Player has left the game" it has done that an average of 10-15% of games (This is extremely annoying.. specially after waiting about 5-10 minutes to get 6 people in a game)
2. After the game either crashes or you take it down with the task manager, your saved username and password will be shown as invalid by the demigod client. Even if you put in your username and password it still doesn't work. The workaround is to remove the save password check. Then get out of the client, come back in and reinput your password correctly.
3. I keep getting unhandled exception errors when trying to connect to a game where there might be a person my computer doesn't like connecting to. I get this Unhandled Exception Error Often.
4. When someone is coming into your game lobby.. there is a possibility he will freeze the hosts game for about 5-6 seconds. In turn this makes everyone else in the game lobby drop off with a message saying "Connection to host timed-out"
5. Sometimes you get two yellows (Which means they are both not connecting to each other) but everyone else is showing green all across.
6. Lord Erebus team players can get killed by Poison blood. There needs to be a way to let the player know it is a LE kill drop so your team members don't die from this. IF the team member dies from this.. our team gets gold (and if the enemy is hitting you, they get a remnant of this gold. Not good) This happened to me twice already.