is there any conflict with running two different systems on the same computer
The biggest conflict is you're gonna be cutting your hard drive up, so you'll have less space in the hard drive. But space really isn't an issue these days, is it, when you can by an external, portable hard drive for basically nothing.
The benefits: You get to broaden your horizons and learn all about how to function in a new operating system, which can open mad awesome doors to new possibilities. Plus, then you can be cool, because it's cool to use Linux.

My advice: Linux, any distro, is not Windows. If you go into it expecting it to be just like Windows, just look different, just skin Windows with all of Stardock's myriad programs. If you're willing to do some research and put in some work, you can get a wonderfully cool system set up and expand your knowledge and experience exponentially.
Keep in mind that MasonM's advice is sound - download the newest stable Ubuntu build, burn i on a CD, and play around with it for awhile. Then you can better make an educated decision.