Hello everyone! For today’s Dev Journal, I will be going over Resources in GalCiv IV.
In the past few Dev Journals, we've been exploring new features introduced by GalCiv’s latest DLC: Megastructures. However, for my first Journal of the new year, I want to take a step back from the late-game-focused expansion to cover some GalCiv fundamentals.
GalCiv IV has no shortage of Resources, and I’d like to focus on the five most common Resources you will encounter while expanding your empire across the galaxy.
These Resources are:
What are they Used For?
Let’s go over what each of these Resources is used for, starting with Durantium.
Durantium is a highly valuable Resource, particularly important in the early game. This is because Durantium is required for the construction of most Orbitals and several powerful Manufacturing and Military Improvements.
A steady supply of Durantium will invariably accelerate the development of your colonies and allow you to increase their Manufacturing capabilities.
Similarly, Promethion is extremely valuable as it is a required Resource for most Research Improvements and Research Missions.
A solid cache of Promethion can help you outpace the competition in terms of research speed and technological progress.
While Durantium and Promethion are highly valuable for colony development, Elerium, Antimatter, and Thulium are crucial for Ship Construction.
Elerium is used to construct ships with powerful Beam Weapons and Shields, Antimatter is used in Missile Weapons and Evasion systems, and Thulium is used in Kinetic Weapons and Armor.
This isn’t to say that Durantium and Promethion don’t also have a role in ship construction. Durantium is used to construct powerful Carrier Modules and is required for the Extended Reinforced Hull Flagship upgrade, while Promethion is used to increase a ship’s Moves with several Drives.
All Resources and the current amount held by the player will appear at the top of the screen in the Resource bar for your convenience.
Resources On the Map
Each Resource can be found scattered across the map as you explore.
The first two Resources, Durantium and Promethion, can both be found spawned around stars of any color. Durantium specifically tends to spawn near stars with long asteroid belts (though it can be found around stars without them), while Promethion tends to favor stars without asteroid belts, with some exceptions.
Thulium is more limited, spawning exclusively around blue and purple stars.
Elerium and Antimatter are unique in that they don’t spawn around stars but are found inside Nebulae and around Blackholes, respectively.
Collecting Resources
Resources found around stars and on the edges of black holes can be collected over time by well-placed Mining Starbases.
Constructor ships are used to build these Mining Starbases. When flown to a desired tile, they can be converted into the Starbase of choice. Starbases come in four varieties: Mining, Economic, Military, and Communications. Mining Starbases will only appear as an option if a minable Resource is within that Constructor/starbase’s radius.
When establishing a Mining Starbase, it pays to position your Starbase between as many Resources as possible. Upgrades to Mining are applied to every Resource in range, and later, Starbase range can be upgraded to reach Resources that may have previously been just out of reach.
Another viable way to collect these Resources is by using the Galactic Bazaar. The Galactic Bazaar is unlocked by the Universal Translator technology and allows you to purchase or sell any of the five staple Resources alongside a rotating group of four other Resources.
The Resources available to you can vary based on what Resources spawned in your sector or near your colonies. Thus, the Bazaar can be an ultra-convenient way to earn credits by selling Resources held in excess and gaining access to Resources otherwise not available to you.
Be careful, however; the more you buy a Resource, the more expensive it becomes, and the more you sell a Resource, the lower its value.
Other Resources
There are over a dozen other Resources that you may collect or encounter during play. Most of these Resources can be found on random planets and harvested via specific Improvements or Orbitals.
Many of these Resources can be purchased on occasion from the Bazaar, earned through Events, or traded for with other civilizations.
These additional Resources are commonly used to construct various Improvements and are generally not as critical as the main five. However, they can still provide significant advantages and should not be overlooked.
Resources: Conclusion
Understanding and effectively managing Resources in GalCiv IV is crucial for the successful expansion and development of your empire. The five primary Resources - Durantium, Promethion, Elerium, Antimatter, and Thulium - each play distinct roles in enhancing your colonies, advancing research, and constructing powerful ships. By strategically placing Mining Starbases and leveraging the Galactic Bazaar, you can ensure a steady supply of these vital Resources, giving you a competitive edge in the galaxy.
Thank you for reading this Dev Journal. I hope it provides you with valuable insights into Resource management in GalCiv IV. Stay tuned for more updates and tips in future journals. May your empire thrive and conquer the galaxy!