Welcome to our ongoing Ship Series for Sins of a Solar Empire II. In each entry we’ll be looking at the major units that define Sins II gameplay. Today we’ll be looking at the TEC Sova Carrier.
Sova Background
Unlike many of the units in the TEC arsenal, the Sova has always been a military carrier ship. Before the war started, the Sova was deployed for policing actions against pirate raiders. Its strikecraft were more than a match for taking out pirate incursions and the Sova’s built-in manufacturing facilities could replace any losses with ease.

Once the war against the Vasari began, the Sova was immediately pressed into service as one of the few offensive ships the Traders had on-hand. Against the superior Vasari weaponry, the Sova did not fare well in prolonged firefights and so losses were heavy until additional new TEC military units were deployed in support. In War Year 35, the Sova has become a major support vessel and vanguard unit. Its ability to build and deploy corvettes makes it adept at taking territory early; and its capability of augmenting local factories enhances its late game use to quickly build new units.
Light Autocannon Turret x 1 (Fore)
Medium Autocannon Turrets x 2 (Fore)
Point Defense Turrets x 9
Planetary Bombardment Cannon
Strikecraft: 2-7 Squadrons (Fighters/Bombers)

Optional Abilities
Deploy Missile Battery: Grants the Sova the ability to quickly manufacture and deploy a stationary weapon platform equipped with missiles and point defense.
Mass Production: The Sova leverages its superior production capabilities to assist in the construction of friendly ships and structures in its gravity well.
Mobile Corvette Factory: Additional production facilities are added to the Sova that lets it construct corvette class ships.
Rapid Manufacturing (Ultimate): For a period of time, the Sova is able to instantly launch a large number of additional strikecraft.