I got the Arranged Marriage event. When I read it, I thought it was very strange. It mentioned that the family had a long tradition of arranged marriages, but they are also opposed to it. This made no sense to me.
After reading it again and again, I realized that “they” was the use a plural, gender-neutral pronoun instead of a singular, gender-specific pronoun to replace the name of the one who was supposed to be marrying, just like the first use of “their”. I think this is bad place to do that since “they” easily can be interpreted as meaning the family.
While the use of a singular, gender-specific pronoun such as “he” or “she” would avoid that confusion, it isn’t obvious whether Nuzgo the Tastiest is a he or she or something else - other than the tastiest.
Since “Nuzgo the Tastiest” is already used in several places instead of a pronoun, I think “Nuzgo the Tastiest” should be used instead of “they” to avoid the confusion.
Also, “setup” should be “set up”, and there should be a comma after “selected”.