One of the interactions which the ai will ask or request of the player is to go to war with another faction which you have met. This will will happen nearly 100% of the time. This request is very odd. I checked both ai and both 'like and trust' each other yet one is asking the player to go to war. I normally always refuse this request but occasionally I accept.
What is very annoying is after said acceptance of going to war on their request, is I get a malus/penalty with the requesting faction for 'declaring war on our friend'.
Can devs please have this request set so that the ai dislikes the faction it is requesting the player to go to war with? In other words, rather than the ai randomly he go to war, their needs to be a dislike/hate threshold which needs to be met before the ai requests the player to go to war.
Side note > The 'Resource Agreement' option is still in the game as of .60. I was understanding that this was going to be hidden so we do not get the resource bar crash which was present in the previous build.