I noticed that the Altarian Social Matrix lists as a 'Research Improvement' ... but when checking to see whether it would get a better adjacency bonus on a tile with Rare Earth Metals which gives a +2 Research adjacency bonus to anything next to the tile, but happens to be adjacent to a Deep Core Mine (and not adjacent to anything else) which gives +1 adjacency to All Construction (but none to Research), the Social Matrix gets a +3 adjacency bonus; by contrast, the Xeno Research Laboratory only gets a +2 adjacency bonus in the same tile.
I hadn't noticed this before, but do improvements like the Social Matrix actually have multiple types? Is it getting an All Construction adjacency bonus from the Deep Core Mine in addition to the tile's Research adjacency bonus?
If that's the case, its making trying to min-max optimize adjacencies a whole helluva lot more complicated -- some improvements have hidden types beyond the one displayed in its tooltip?
Is this a bug or WOI?