Purpose of proposed Mod:
Increase strategic options by freeing the Titan unit from the defensive role and allowing true siege warfare.
I have some ideas for a mod that I'd like to see implemented. Unfortunately, my programming skills are moot. I can't even get the game files converted from bin to txt, despite help from some pro modders here.
Basically I'll list what I think should have been included in the game. If you agree and have modding abilities let's organize an effort to get it made. Also, since I'm not a modder myself I may have ideas that are not compatible with the game engine. If that's the case just let me know.
Of course, some of these may have been implemented already. I don't know.
I can contribute ship meshes, in-game artwork and video special effects. I could also pick up on particle design if someone will show me the ropes.
1. Anti-Titan Units.
I don't think it's realistic that these type III civilizations designed Titan-class ships without realizing that their enemies would do the same. It's my observation that when a new military technology is developed it's counter is developed in short order. This is pretty much always the case. We can argue that Rebellion occurs in a period right after Titan-class ships were achieved and before countermeasures were created but I think that severely limits the game's potential depth of strategy.
A. Anti-Titan units carry a price tag that is 60% of titan cost across the board. They are big, expensive units.
B. Have no direct combat abilities.
C. Have abilities that drain anti-matter and do heavy damage to Titan units only .
D. Have more antimatter than any other unit in the game.
E. Can stand up to mid-sized fleets and survive, but cannot stand up to a direct assault by a Titan+ even a small fleet for very long.
F. Have fleet supply equal to 1 capital ship.
G. Larger than a capital ship, smaller than a Titan.
E. Have faster than average phase jumping speed.
F. Can shunt stolen antimatter to friendly Titan if said titan happens to be in the same gravity well.
I see the TEC's anti-titan unit as being essentially a huge antimatter tanker with augmented engines. The Vasari and Advent could be designed along these lines as well. Convergent design .The ship-type has a common function after all.
Consider that anti-Titan units mean that you'll be free to unleash your own Titan without fear of having to call it home. You can literally steamroll your weaker enemies, which I think is what the devs intended. It just doesn't play that way currently.
2. TEC and Advent Terraforming ability
TEC and Advent with the ability to turn a dead asteroid into a normal asteroid and then into a planetoid. Pretty sure this has been suggested before. I'd like to see it, for one. Let the Vasari get their resources from stripping, but make it a non-permanent event.
3. More Powerful Pirates
Let's give the pirates the ability to claim a planet when they take it from a player. Then give them the ability to build planetary defenses.
4. New Seige Ship class for all Races
Something missing from Sins is the ability to truly SIEGE your enemies. Sure, you can try to build a star base in an enemy gravity well when you invade, but even better would be the ability to deploy normally defensive structures for offensive purposes. This would allow you to 'claim' part of the gravity well. A place that you could then move your fleet into, or build a star base within. This would make an invasion truly an "oh sh!t" moment, as invasions will become very difficult to expel. This will, I think, make the game more fun and put a stronger emphasis on strategy.
In other words, it may be your planet, but the enemy entrenched in half of your gravity well. Good luck with that.
What I propose, for TEC at least, is a cruiser that contains 2 construction frigates. Upon entering the gravity well it releases its construction modules and you can build anywhere.
Structures that this ship can build:
A. Repair platform (maybe not for TEC?)
B. Gun Turret
C. Phase Jump Inhibitor*
D. Frigate Factory
E. *Vasari*: Nano Weapon Jammer (op?)
D. *Advent Only*: Hanger (since they are heavily dependent on strike craft; maybe can't deploy gun turrets)
This setup will make attacking/defending planets more than a straightforward battle of ships. Once the planet is taken, all structures convert to normal structures and respective logistic/tactical slot costs apply. The player can scuttle the structures if no longer needed.
*Or, more accurately, the inverse of it, if at all possible. A slow-building structure that when constructed slows INCOMING reinforcements down.
This also opens up the very real possibility of stalemate, which I think will add some depth to the game. For a bit of balance and realism we can make all siege structures build 25-50% slower than their defensive counterparts.
I think that's it for now. Anyone have anything they'd like added to this?