I just categorized my categories by what the mods added most of.
Also, I won't include direct download links. While I don't usually care about what a mod contains before I download it, others might, so no direct download links right now. I'll probably add a direct download link page later, as well as putting which versions and game/expansion that the mod can run on later, as well as revise my categories later.
Currently, I don't have the time to add pages or anything because of (mostly) school. In a month (after summer break starts), I'll be able to add everything everyone is requesting.
So, basically, be patient with me for about one month (until the end of May), and I will promptly add the things you all are requesting. On May 31 or June 1, post here reminding me of the things that I promised today (I know I will forget them), and they will become real. The only reason I added the categories I have now is because that was quick and didn't take long. Until summer break, all I'll be able to concentrate on concerning this is adding mods to the list.
Also, I would appreciate it if you checked wether or not I had your mod on the list before you posted any information on it. No offense to any one, but it kinda gets annoying.
Thank you for your patience, and dealing with my somewhat-rantish speech,