I've seen a few gifted moments in rebellion.
Pirates now seem to take multiple prong attacks on separate planets which sometimes gets them chewed up in detail. My biggest complaint is that they will forgo my fortifications to take out that one resource transport that just warped in. Need to stop this. Also the pirates seem to latch onto one planet instead of going after the weakest link. Also pirate behavior needs to change to no attack if their is no bounty. They should go another round before attacking and get double the fleet size for the next interval. I would love to have to keep a anti-pirate fleet. Would help the AI ramp up.
AI poorly positions star bases and defenses and need to focus on stationary flak for them.
AI never coordinates with pirate attacks.
AI fleet seems to go haring off to a rear guard planet often. The AI DOES change it ships to fit your fleet mix. I stay balanced usually but notice if I forget Flak frigates pretty quickly.
AI sends too many ships after neutral planets.
AI does not seem to properly use its infrastructure: Refineries and Trade ports.
AI does not focus fire down support ships but seems to get overly concerned with your Capital ships which are hardy when being healed.
AI does not keep the Akkan back where it can use its abilities to best effect and fields too many Kol. Also seen poor choices for starter ships. A Dunov as their first ship?
AI DOES position the Advent support ships to good effect.