So I thought Demigod was a blast. I feel ripped off but it was a blast. In fact, I still enjoy playing it and wish there was another game like it since there is no communityleft, plus I don't like being verbally abused for not being elite. What's that you say? Demigod is another in a long line of dota rip-offs so why don't I play them?
Well allow me to say, not so. I hate microing, so last hitting and jungling drive me nuts. Plus, and I know this is a weak argument, but I dislike that all maps on every other dota-clone look pretty much like dota. It drives me nuts trying to decide who I'm going to play or not knowing anything about most of the other team because there's a thousand heros to choose from. I could go on for awhile, so allow me to sum it up with: age and children have turned me into a casual gamer, and Demigod fits that much better. Is there another MOBA out there more similar to DG or at least what is the most casual MOBA with players currently out?