Hey guys...I hit my next hurtle. When I click on Convertxsi.exe it loads the doss screen and then immediatly crashes. Am I supposed to extract it to a certain folder? Thanks a lot.
ConvertXSI is a command line tool (in other words DOS). Though Harpos mod tools are useful, i like to do things "the hard way". I create a folder in my c drive called "Convert" then extract convertxsi with all of its dlls there. then i save my dotxsi's in that folder as well (xsi will also export the textures there as well).
The "Hard Way"
Create a folder in your C drive called "Convert". Then extract ConvertXSI, and its associated .dll files from the forge tools into the Convert folder. Export your model in .xsi format to the Convert folder. Any associated textures will be saved there as well. Then follow these steps.
Open your Command Prompt (found in Start menu\Accessories). Then type in the prompt cd\Convert. Then press enter. You should see C:\Convert in the next line.
Next type convertxsi C:\Convert\"yourshipname".xsi C:\Convert\"yourshipname".mesh then press enter. "yourshipname" is whatever the name of your model is. If nothing is wrong with the mesh you should see a list of materials, and mesh nulls found. Then a bounding radius. Plus points after optimization. You can use the -nooptimize modifier if you dont want the mesh optimized. You will see an error message if there is something wrong with your mesh. When you are done there should be a .mesh file along with its textures waiting inside your Convert folder to be placed in your mods mesh, and textures folder.
Or you can just download harpos mod tools, and follow his instructions. I do it the hard way because i have more control over the outcome.