I find this funny Charles because I've been talking about these things ever since I was 13 when there wasn't even the slightest chance of this ever being a reality back then. No computers, no cells, no SS numbers being used like today, no credit cards even. Most everything back then was done on cash or even a personal word. You could even build up credit at the local market just based on your own word.
Yea, I remember those days when we could get a tab at the local store, but it's obvious that this world has changed. The more our population grows the more we need better things to survive. Even religion has benefited from technology, churches with loud speakers to get the msg across better, tv stations dedicated 100% to God, websites providing more information, faster to those interested in following God, phones to allow people to stay connected and make sure who's going when to church and even computers to keep track of church activities, pastor, priest information etc.
now where are you getting that I'm fearful? Because I write and warn others about it? That makes me fearful?
It already creeps me out when
definition of creeps (from the word creepy) - Of or producing a sensation of uneasiness or fear, as of things crawling on one's skin link
One would only warn people of something if that which you are waning them about should be feared.
First off, the mark of the beast IS going to happen. I'm absolutely sure of that. We're really not that far off from that to see this is going to be a reality. God IS NOT going to stop that from happening. In fact, he's written a book telling us it's going to happen. He's given us a head's up. I don't think it's a coincidence that we are the most biblically illiterate generation ever. It's all part of the end times.
I don't fear it because I know God will protect me thru it. I will take it one day at a time. I may even lose my life in the process but that doesn't mean that God isn't going to be with me during this time of trouble. He said many will be persecuted and even lose their lives during this time, but not to be troubled because he will be with us. It will be no diff than the other martyrs who went before us and are still going ahead of us in other parts of the world. They are a great inspiration to people like me.
besides when I said "nature of the beast" I wasn't talking "mark of the beast." I was simply saying us older people were warned of this coming about way before when we might have laughed at such nonesense but now are soberly thinking this is not as far off as we were led to believe way back then. That's why I'm always saying the younger generation should talk to the older generation and see what they have to say about all this. Ask them if they think we're heading into a good direction or if we're heading into a trap!
The younger generation has no idea because they've grown up in this technological age and to them it's quite normal to be known and to have easy access to everyone's information. They know nothing else. They have no idea what a loss of control they have going on in their lives because they have been born into the cage already.
Just keep in mind one thing KFC, you can not point to things as being bad and then claim not to fear or feel fear of them. If you believe God will save then why warn or feel any kind of fear? It's kinda like sticking you hand in fire, if you are 100% sure you won't get burned then you wont fear the fire. If your faith in God is that strong then I don't see the point in warning anyone of anything.We should not fear death for not matter how we die we can still be saved.