Hey i have been thinking about this lately and decided to post. i know its not a real campaign but its just for fun. Okay so we start off the origaninal story line. Set yourself as one of the factions and you will rollplay that faction. Set up 2 TEC factions(set everything however you want unless i tell you different) to represent the massive Trader number superiorty. make sure to allie them. add 1 advent and one vasari. do your battle here. now for the next round the advent and vasari have allied together and destroyed one of the TEC factions. Set yourself as the TEC and if your ambiotious, then try setting both enmys to hard or unfair.fight this one out keep in mind that all the factions exist elsewhere other than where your fighting and that how they survive. With the combined attack on the TEC failed(or succeded) tensions between advent and vasari boil over and they begin fighting again. no TEC this round just advent and vasari. now behind the scenes the uknown enmy of the vasari catches up to them and lauches an all out attack.set yourself as vasari and set the comp as vasari on unfair(2-3 comps if your really good and this gives no challenge). next with the destruction of the vasari iminent, they make a desperate allince with the tec and advent as these factions relize they would be next if the vasari are destroyed. one of each faction in an alliance(pick one) and set unfair vasari comps as enmy(however many you need for a challenge) This is final major battle that the vasari fight before droping out of the war. if you won the battle agaisnt the unfairs then the threat to vasari is gone and they seek no futher expasion. The advent however pick up where they left off and attack the TEC with full force. advent and TEC, play as TEC. after this it is the TEC on the offensive out to destroy the advent. be TEC and fight 2-3 advent factions.if you lost the battle with the unfairs then the vasari are killed off leaving only the advent and TEC. another battle with the unfairs except this time no vasari in the allaince. if you lose again then pick one of the 2 factions left to kill off. then play agian as the only remaining faction and give yourself one ally of the same faction.if you lose then everyone is dead. if you win eitehr the TEC and advent vs the unfairs or the faction of your choice then you the campaighn ends. if its TEC and the advent left then the advent have had enoguh war and ask for peace. a peaceful ending. please comment if you like this and it sounds liek fun.