To some of you this will be news, to others it won’t. The land grab in Georgia is just the first step as it was for Hitler. Europe is weak and does not want another war, America is busy fighting WWIII as well as the Korean conflict for the last 50 years so while no one is looking Russia is going to grab Georgia just like Hitler grabbed the Sudetenland. If no one minds too much then he will grab the rest of Georgia as a buffer zone to protect its borders. Next stop will be Poland.
This time Poland knows what is coming and is begging for help in advance and hopefully history won’t repeat itself and they get left out in the cold until it is too late.
Putin is using the same tactics as Hitler and his useful idiots are helping him. Remember, Hitler was Time magazines man of the year, so was Stalin and Mussolini. This publication has been able to pick the bad guy each time.
I remember reading how Hitler wrote Mussolini asking for an autographed picture. Mussolini refused because Hitler was weak. This gave Hitler something to accomplish, he wanted to impress Mussolini. See what hero worship can do. Putin seems to like Hitler and Stalin and is follow their tactics. Hitler’s for international stuff and Stalin for domestic stuff. Great combination don’t you think?