I'd hate to point this out to you but that is not my logic of thinking its merely if this was a TEC tech no one would be complaining it is not to strong and it is something you are going to have to deal with. It is not a bug regardless of what you think. It is doing what it is supposed to do and that is how it is regardless of if you think it is fair or over the line or not. The ability clearly says it revives Frigates/Cruisers, what it does not say is it revives frigates/cruisers except for Talions. It does not say it has a resource limit to what it revives, it does not say anything.
Do you seriously think this is a conspiracy to hate on advent? That the fact that it's an advent tech rather than a TEC tech is the only reason we're talking about it? I would wager we'd be talking about it EVEN MORE if was a TEC tech because of the synergy with loyalist being able to build double starbases.
The research description of Return of the Fallen is: "The power of the purified unity causes some ships to be revived from time to time." It does NOT mention frigates/cruisers like Reanimation does thus it IS a bug as it is a likely an unintended target for the ability.
Sorry but there is no polite way to say this. You are wrong. If this does get fixed it will be because Stardock thinks it is to strong, not because it is a bug. Also going by your way of thinking is resurrection to strong or is that a bug also? You're actually getting much more than you pay for by using the ability. There is nothing random about getting 2000 credits, 350 ore, 250 crystal. You got what you payed for which was the 10% chance to revive them. Also you do lose something should it re spawn it is not at your capital planet and now has to move all the way back to its original destination.
So you know the inner working of Stardock now? That's pretty cool how you can know their exact reason for fixing it in the future and how it conveniently lines up with what you already assume. Being strong and working on special case targets (which are not listed in the research description) are two different things.
Getting a free Talion but it being far away from the front lines is not "losing" anything. To lose something implies you already had it whereas this is just an advantage that isn't as great as you would like and certainly not a detriment as you're implying. If you don't want it or would rather have the fleet capacity you can even scuttle it for resources. There's literally only gain in this scenario.
You're looking at it with very biased glasses to put it bluntly. Your feelings for a race should not get in the way of perceiving or judging how a game mechanic works. I don't mean to single you out but you're crusading against this being a bug for very poor reasons.