this is 2x the size of the advent battle ship
but i dont have the program tomake the model
has 12 plasma turrets
1 beam cannon
6 laser turrets
6 engines
this is the side veiw
Just download XSI Mod Tool, it's free.
Or SinsTool script for 3d Max - very easy convert. As you see my model in screenshots.
True you can use that but 3DS Max cost alot of money. I use 3DS Max 2010 myself and love it, but I have to use XSI for conversion and null points (since I can't figure out what nulls are in 3DS Max).
nulls are dummy points in 3ds max. Here is a tutorial that should be on a sticky IMO
MAYA!!! I love Maya, best 3-d modeling program fo sho.
well for one, i do believe you got to buy the program to use it and two, dont believe theres a way to convert to mesh in it.
Here's a link that will help with modeling and textures with XSI... Danman games also has some comprehensive downloads for modeling in SINS. I'm using XSI 7.5 which is free. Can't see spending what 3DS max costs!
In XSI you have to export it as a .xsi then use the forge tools convert xsi to convert it too a mesh. Follow the tutorial that ZombieRus5 has linked and you will get it.
XSI Mod Tool is free, no money to use it.
People all have thier favourite apps. If you'r already used to one you don't want to move but if your just starting out then its less of an issue.
I prefer Max (I started out using Milkshape 3D) personaly. I've also been trying to learn maxscript heh.
NM.... lol
If you have a legit student email address you can download for free Maya or 3ds Max on Autodesk's website if you create an account under the Student area. If you can't find it, and you're interested, message me and i'll walk ya through it.
???one word phalnax
um it does not work on my pc
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