Well I have a couple ideas
Making planetary options global would work, and be better as long as you can also change options planet by planet basis to. The global would only affect the planets that havent been changed by options on a planet screen with a option to reset all planets to global.
Bringing back upgrade option would benice. An example where this makes sense is where I want to build a duranthium refinery on a world of factories.
Some buildings like the power matrix don't receive bonuses for being near buildings. Making it better to use a factory instead where bonuses are both ways.
An idea which would work on this is wherebuildings, and ships would require resources. Different resources. If resources provided returns each turn on both planets, and space. Some of the anomalies and planetary events would include resources.
Quests not like the kind in sins where they only want resources, but where you would go to a randomplanet, or pirate base, or a random faction on the game, and do a random thing. When you are done with this random thing you would get a random reward.
I would like to check stats, control building ques, or check option by right clicking on it. It would be nice to have a list of unexplored planets, and where they are on a minimal.