Yeah I know, it even says they are good vs Titans in the unit description... but they're not lol. Unless Corvettes are supposed to destroy Titans by feeding them so much XP that they explode, that is. Should test this
Well to be fair they can be good against some titans- namely the ones that don't have AoE attacks capable of reducing them to slag quickly and efficiently.
For example:
Level 1-5 Kutorask Titan- Nano-leech doesn't hit corvettes.
Coronata titan- No AoE to speak of- the ability to steal units isn't really in it's prime when the targets are corvettes either.
Ragnarov Titan- This one requires some Micro, but is doable. All of it's AoEs require the giant-space-gun to point at it's target. Corvettes mobility means they have little trouble staying in it's blind spot with some micro
Another oft overlooked areas is titan's weapon bank "blind spots"
Generally speaking, the most dangerous weapons to corvettes are the Titan's antilight "point defense"/"flak"/ect.. weapons(deal 100% dmg instead of 25%)- of course due to armor types these weapons will prioritize bombers as targets, but will choose fighters/corvettes as their second-favorite targets. Going over each titan:
Ankylon: Only has frontal & rear point defense weapons. Titan-damage type weapons are however more heavily concentrated on sides.
Ragnarov: only has frontal and rear point defense weapons. Of course we all already know it's other Titan-damage weapons are concentrated at the front.
Coronata: has point defense weapons facing in all directions. It's other Titan-damage weapons are only present on fore & rear(only side weapons are point defense)
Eradica: has point defense weapons in all directions. It's other Titan-damage weapons are focused most heavily in front, but are not present in the rear(only rear weapons are point defense)
Vorastra: has point defense weapons in all directions. It's other Titan-damage weapons are focused most heavily in front, but are not present in the rear(only rear weapons are point defense)
Kultorask: has point defense weapons in all directions. It's other Titan-damage weapons are focused most heavily in front, but probably more distributed then any other titan.
In general, the Vasari titan's point defense weapons deal the most base DPS, followed by Advent, With TEC titans having the lowest DPS point defense weapons on their titans. In terms of external modifiers, only the Vasari titan's point defense weapons have weapon upgrades available(Advent & TEC titans use point defense & flak damage weapon types for these weapons). The Advent also have a few external methods of boosting these weapons(most notably Halcyon aura)
So putting it all together, I honestly think that with proper Micro the Ragnarov may actually be the most corvette-vulnerable titan in the game. They can stay out of it's line of fire to avoid AoE, if they stay to it's sides, they are in the blind spot of it's point defense weapons(not to mention the TEC titans have the worst point defense DPS anyway). Of course this requires constant micro to actually work.
Even the Vorastra's splash damage on weapons fire can be greatly mitigated by keeping corvettes behind it where it has no weapon banks.
I'm not saying that Corvettes are already a sufficient Titan counter- they Aren't, but I think they are a bit underestimated nonetheless. They do deal 70% damage to titans, take only 25% damage from titan weapons, apply a stacking debuff, and frankly the Only titan AoEs they can't avoided via Micro are the Eradica's Chastic Burst, The Kultorak's Dissever(which is a level 6 ability), and the Anklyon's Disruption Matrix.
At the very least if Corvettes are going to become a legitimate titan counter they need to counter different types of titans more consistently. The most extreme example is the Eradica, against which corvettes are glorified titan-chow. The wuick-and-dirty method would be to have corvettes removed from the targeting filter all titan AoE damage abilities & passives- which of course has already been discussed extensively.
Hmm, well this post got unexpectedly long- Honestly I just was intending to bring up the topic of keeping corvettes in blind spots(whether that means preventing the enemy from facing them to cast abilities or staying on sides with less weapon banks). Well I found the topic interesting so i went on a bit of a rant as thoughts occurred to me.