[quote quoting="Twilight_Storm"]
Okay, I'll admit this game has had some trouble in the past, but it seems like now there's always something people are complaining about. I'm wondering if maybe most of the so called balance issues are just coming up from people who are losing games because they THINK the game should work their way. Take jumping Starbases for example. They probably do need a little tweaking, I haven't actually played with them so I don't know. But realistically, they are a good answer to making the vasari mobile in a way that isn't counter-productive. They can bring their Starbase to each gravity well, without having to rebuild a new one. And they can only have one at a time. To me, it seems like the idea was to make vasari fleets harder to kill, for when they go mobile.
Regardless of the Dev's intent, jumping orkies are game-breaking. The biggest problem is when VR are in the Eco spot, where they can afford to just spam orkies, posing a major threat without having to up their fleet supply(meaning they can be a major threat while keeping their tax rate low and thus retaining a strong economy).
Early mid game- when this combo can first go online, killing max upgrade orkies is a HARD fight- and with the Eco Vas Rebel player not needing to hurt their economy to send this powerhouse offensive, by the time the victim finishes the first orky(If they can even manage to do so), the next level 8 orky is already ready to jump in when the previous one dies. It quickly becomes a battle of attrition the enemy can't win as the enemy needs to increase fleet upkeep to defend, leaving the Vas Rebel player with a far superior economy to keep pumping out orkies with.
not to mention while only 1 orky may be active per gravity well, by attacking multiple locations the Vas rebel player can have several active. Several orkies at that stage of the game is fielding a larger total fighting force then most other players, once again for 0 fleet supply.
The other fundamental problem is that Orkies are by design extremely difficult to defend against once upgraded. This was balanced in the past by the fact that they had to be upgraded on-site, resulting in a long period of vulnerability before they became upgrade-8 incarnations of destruction. And frankly orky-attacks were already a very strong tactic even with that weakness- remove that weakness by allowing them to be upgraded off-site ata safe location and orky attacks are a joke.
But I'm not just talking about Vasari. There are tons of complaints about Titans now too, claiming they are overpowered in dozens of different ways, depending on who you ask.
So the question is, has anybody actually thought about what the devs INTENDED for these things you're so quick to complain about, or are you just angry that the game doesn't work YOUR way?
Right now titans are too much of the game's be-all end-all. Once they've leveled up a bit you can't counter them with frigates, you can't counter them with capitalships. You can only counter them with other comparably leveled titans, which in an RTS/4X should be setting off alarm bells right off the bat. Honestly they either need an external counter(corvettes perhaps?) or they need to not be so efficient at killing frigates en-masse. Right now because of how powerful titan AoE is, frigates besides carriers are less then useless(they will accomplish nothing besides giving the enemy titan more exp).
Honestly it's never good for any RTS game's balance for there to be only a single time of viable late game "common unit." Counter-unit choice is part of the genre's foundation, and when every fleet looks the same more or less, something is wrong.
But at present the simple fact of the matter is that games are won and lost by protecting your own titan and killing the enemy titan- the game just has too much focus on titans at present- Which is generally a good indication that they are too good at what they do.
That said, there's a pretty good consensus that the *primary* titan problem at present is the potency of Titan AoE damage- If frigates were less marginalized by titan AoE or corvettes were removed fro mall titan AoE filters(creating a counter-unit), it's very likely the problem would be resolved.