for some reason adding 5 weapons to a Starbase or capital ship works fine
But when I add a 5th weapon to a Stock Titan that only has 4 weapons I get
Invalid Mesh Point Data String Found by IWeapon (Weapon Index Out of Bounds)
Mesh = C:\Users\Jon\Documents\My Games\Ironclad Games\Sins of a Solar Empire Rebellion\Mods-Rebellion v1.02 Dev\TitansReb\Mesh\Titan_PsiRebel.mesh
MeshPointString = 'Weapon-4'
Parsed Weapon Index = 4
Max Weapon Index = 3
the ship works fine and all the hardpoints work perfectly..
I just get this annoying spammy Error message every time I load up anyone know how to get rid of this?
in the .mesh file I have Weapon-0, Weapon-1, Weapon-2, Weapon-3, Weapon-4
in the entity I have NumWeapons 5 followed by 5 weapons
Like I said it all works perfectly? I only get this error on stock titans PSIREBEL And PHASELOYALIST
any clues?