This week we are running game events for our massive-scale real-time-strategy Ashes of the Singularity: Escalation. We just hit a new all-time peak for players online so this is a great time to get online and play some matches against one another or vs the AI.
Our events are open to all, with no minimum skill level required. However, if you are new and want to gain a bit of an edge before these events you can watch the great video below made by a new player themselves with help from our community.
We do prioritize people who are on Discord for voice chat. So join our official server before or on the day of the event.
Wednesday Event
Time: 13th May, 2 PM (1400) EST
Lobby Name: Metal Mayhem
Friday Event
Time: 15th May, 2 PM (1400) EST
Lobby Name: Metal Mayhem
Saturday Event
Time: 16th May, 2 PM (1400) EST
Lobby Name: Metal Mayhem