The low archer initiative has always bothered me, too. If the English archers at Agincourt had "Sorcerer King" initiative, they would never have fired off a shot before the French knights would have overrun them all.
And if the Ranger hero is such a great leader, why can't he give orders to his archers when he has the commander ability? He should be able to tell the archers to use the six hex, area effect of fire shot to do some real damage, instead of a weak shot at one target, a target that you have no ability to choose.
I would also very much like to have the Metarealm scoring system explained. The devs recently changed the scoring system, but didn't say what was changed or how it made any difference to the scores. It seems strange that very few high scores have been posted after v1.3 was released, and almost zero after v1.4. So why do the high scores of the early versions of the game still count for some players, but have been erased for other players? Especially since the game has now been made more difficult.