You're not missing out, I can assure you. They eat structures, but no more so than an Ogrov,
Can't say no to a free ogrov. As I said, will take a look when I get the chance.
Quoting N3rull, reply 17
The only vasari counter to AOE damage, however, is the Skirantra [you imply it's not particularly effective against AOE damage].

lol what? No, I did not imply that Repair Cloud is bad! It's wonderful. I said that KULTORASK's Nano Remit, which has been mentioned as an AOE heal before, is not really worth a mention in this regard for reasons stated.
Egh. Not really to both assertions. (...)
You miss out a few very important things (skip to TLDR if you want):
1. Shields are the first line of defense that always works (except against highly upgraded PMs) ; hull is the last line of defense that must not fail.
Every point of damage taken will be absorbed by shields if there are any, while a lot of damage may not hit the hull. As such, a Progenitor can start using the shield regeneration as soon as any of his allies are hit and will always actively counteract any damage taken. Before any hull damage is done, a lot of damage taken may already be reverted if shields are actively restored. Repairing hull, although more effective point for point, has to be initiated only AFTER your ships have already taken noticeable damage and lost all of their shields. This means that, despite applying a stronger heal, you are:
- FORCED to start healing LATER, when you have FEWER total hit points (as in: hull+shields=total HP) left before the ship blows up. You have a smaller window of opportunity to prevent the loss of the ship.
- your heal will only restore hull and will therefore stop working as soon as hull is at max. While it sounds all fine that hull is on max, the healed ship is still at 70-80% durability at this point because it's missing the shields. So you not only have to start healing the ship once it's noticeably weakened, you also leave the ship noticeably weakened after the heal.
Think of a car with a driver inside. Even if the car has no ABS, the driver is most often capable of noticing danger ahead of time and stopping the car safely.
Now give the car ABS so it can brake stronger, but replace the driver with one who has a significant vision defect. He may be able to brake harder, but he can't see shit beyond 30 meters ahead, will react later and will have a significantly smaller room for error.
Whether it's better to be in the first situation or the latter is not as obvious as you seem to think.
2. By distributing damage among themselves, Iconus Guardians allow more ships to regenerate lost points.
This multiplies not only the effectiveness of SR, but also the passive regeneration of shield points!
1 + 2 = 3. Iconus guardian's Shield Projection multiplies the effectiveness of Shield Regeneration.
Quick example. Progenitor regenerates 70 shields per second (approx.).
A destra crusader takes 560 points of damage to the shields. Progenitor should need 8 seconds to restore all the shield points, which is the full duration of the ability...
Three Iconus guardians are in the vincinity and spread half (or some such amount) of those 560 points between themselves, so now it's about 280+93+93+93 damage taken. ALL of those ships restore 70 shields per second, so ALL of those ships are at 100% within 4 seconds. The efficiency of the Shield Regeneration ability is effectively doubled in this scenario. Even more so, because guardians are at 100% within less than 1,5 seconds and can start soaking damage from other sources.
In fact, there could be 4 Destras instead of one and it would still take 4 seconds instead of 8 seconds to get all 7 ships to 100% shape.
Adding it all together:
Repair Cloud
+ benefits from Armor, effectively restoring more durability per point
+ synergizes OK with Overseer (by slowing down the loss of hit points among all ships, this ability buys time for overseers to apply their strong heals to all affected targets one by one)
- starts working when the ship is already weakened
- will always leave the ship weakened (if you had to use the heal, the shields are already down and will stay down)
- one effect heals one target
- can't use two Skirantras to increase effectiveness of healing, so either you keep only one and risk getting it drained/disabled and losing your only AOE heal OR you keep two and risk watching your ships die to heavy damage while not being able to use the other skirantra's heal at all (because the first skirantra was using it all the time, it just wasn't enough)
- Vasari are not the most hull-centric race; TEC is
Advent mechanic (SR+SP)
- heals less per point because armor is not taken into account
- doesn't last for the whole cooldown
- can get trolled hard by phase missiles in later game
+ can start repairing immediately, reducing damage before hull even takes a scratch
+ has the potential to keep a ship at 100% durability
+ thanks to SP, damage is distributed among several ships and ALL of them regenerate the lost shields, multiplying the effectiveness of the ability well beyond "71.88 shields/sec"
+ can use two Progenitors to chain SRs for redonkulous sustain if not interrupted (remember, it's yet another thing the opponent has to take care of if he wants to deal any damage at all)
+ Advent is the most shield-heavy race, boasting a truckload of bonuses to shields' effectiveness
As with many things, it is not as simple as "hull points are more valuable because of armor". Advent has several mechanisms that make Shield Regeneration much more effective than it seems at first glance.
I, for one, am not so sure if it's really easier to break through SR+SP rather than a Skirantra's Repair Cloud.
> Despite only spreading damage around, SP lets more ships regenerate damage taken (passively in the worst case) and this counters damage
> Advent's "AOE healing" is in no way worse than Skirantra's if you take all factors into consideration
> Vasari need the Skirantra, Vasari need the Overseer; Vasari don't need the Rankulas' support nanites