Quoting agaricus5, reply 6
Quoting Ryat, reply 5
I thought the article mentioned that all fo the abilites on the Kultoraks could only target frigates. That was it's main weakness.
The instant damage of Dissever (900/1350) also affects capital ships.
And the heal on Nano Remit affects pretty much everything as far as I've seen, including Orkulus if I'm not mistaken. Which is HUGE, important to know and not indicated anywhere.
Nano Remit heals corvettes, frigates, cap ships, planet modules and starbases.
Well a lot of that is in the infocard if you actually have Rebellion. Nano leach only targets frigates.
Taken straight from my current game of rebellion.
Find the word frigate in here. I dare you.
The tooltips are incomplete and that's exactly why I'm here, looking for more info.
I thought the article mentioned that all fo the abilites on the Kultoraks could only target frigates. That was it's main weakness.
That's all nice and fluffy, but the Wikia has tons of outdated information as well. Shit may have changed five times over since someone wrote that thing down I don't even know when. Look at this for example:
Does this look like up-to-date info? Hell, there are even some pages that are outright lies, claiming some stuff works against Caps when I know they don't ever since Diplomacy.
I'm a mathematician and if I have all the reasons to doubt a particular source, I don't go sweeping every line of text and waste hours on confirming it. I look for a better source. Or find shit out myself as I go, from scratch, if it's all that's left.
Heh. In some ways I agree with this; I would love to have up-to-date and easy to access reference charts/information particularly as it's hard to plan strategy (if you haven't tried it out in MP already) without such things. But equally, from on the other side of the fence, you've also got to remember that reference charts for Sins would probably fill a small book if you do it thoroughly - I made a small chart for industrial/social specialisation and that is already enough to fill 30A4 pages if printed. Collecting all this information together is a massive undertaking, particularly when you also need to format it to be accessible to other people; it looks like there really isn't anyone around right now willing to put in the time to do it (myself included
If you're partial to digging, I suspect the most popular method is to look directly at the entity files ([Install Path]/Sins of a Solar Empire Rebellion/GameInfo), which is where the game references all the unit data. Most of it is in binary form, so you will need to decompile it to read it; you can find already converted files in various places (for example https://forums.sinsofasolarempire.com/449951 or https://forums.sinsofasolarempire.com/378266) or use one of the several entity converting tools out there (e.g. http://soase.x90x.net/modding/ConvertData.html).