So, I doubt anyone on this board even remembers me since I've been gone a while but anyways. I finally got got FE being someone who loved WOM I'm kinda sad it took me so long to get it.
Anyways down to why I am posting, I'm sure I am not the only one who prefers the magic and sorcery aspect of the game much more then building a warrior who just chops things down. I was wondering is the a formula or build set up where your army military power can be built more around magic with minimum in warefare? I have only played two games, the first I got raped by a dragon at level 4... Ya, ya I already know what you're going to say; "why the hell did you pick a fight with a dragon at that level?"
My second game I built me a character (sad I can't n exploit weakness for more points anymore) and had a better play through. I was a Roslin summoner (sorry, I deleted the character so I cant tell you the traits I gave him) and gained/maintained game dominance early by going to war and taking Magnar out of the game early. Around what was end game for me this was my research;
Civil; 18
Warefare; 0
Magic; 28
I controlled 2 fire shards, 1 earth, and 1 water. and the nearest air shard was controlled by Gilden
Who's power was 78 to my 128 and Tarth 110.
I had also unlocked the Mana blast/shield spell and high Level elemental in my army. The others nations both feared and respected me too much to go to war. But I needed that shard, so I started war with Gilden, of course they had a higher military then me. I assumed I had enough magical strength to at least take the outpost, hold it for a few attacks and then call peace. I took two out post, but couldn't hold off the onslaught my mages and few warriors were facing. I had many world spells, but the only one that would do damage dealt with the seas and the others wouldn't have helped much. So after he took one outpost back I had finally called peace and then retired.
Now don't get me wrong, I know one of my first mistake was going to war with no warfare and it was only my second game. I'm in my third one now testing Pariden warlock, and trying to way the strengths of Paridon against the strengths of Rosln when it comes to magic.
The character I'm using now;
Abilites: Amarian blood, Life Apprentice, Fire Apprentice, Water Apprentice, Brilliant, weak. (I don;t have death because my last character used it and I anted to switch it up and test these others.)
Also my game is unmodded.