With the upcoming release of Rebellion we're seeing an influx of Sins players, but (as many of the older generation of players have grumbled) we don't really have a good wiki to support all of their questions. Although I've seen a few modders state that you can get the info you need from the program files, not everyone has the capacity (or the patience) to do that.
What I would like to propose is we give the Wiki a much-needed kick-start. Get a bunch of people riled up, start fixing things. Modders could add a section about how to mod Sins, and add input that would be somewhat hidden to the rest of us. Add pages for general faction strategy: both pvp and pve. Add tactical info to ships, general strategies. Re-do the beginners guide, that sort of thing.
It's a dull task, I'll grant you that. But I think that a crisp clean functional Wiki will definitely help Ironclad in launching an amazing product by providing bug feedback (a la a style similar to the one on the Minecraft Wiki), and an easy-to-read resource for both the old giants of the game and the next generation of Sinners.
Would anyone like to help me?