I might be a bit delayed in getting some more testing done and some more models... it appears to me that I have a cold... I hate getting sick
Well, I do hope you feel better soon. I had fought a summer cold and allergies for over 3 weeks recently so I have empathy.
In regards to the siege ship, the idea is not too far off from some email conversations we had about merging the siege and anti-structure role. I'm good with moving this to the cruiser page and upping the research cost and survivability values to match a cruiser.
I also have the Hybrid culture center and trade port structure working. So now our nephilim people can go on pilgrimages between the various holy shrines. 
Here's are shot of the current modules (excluding the starbase). I created one of the structures based off what the two triangle (Divine Charity Angel Mythology shape). I was originally going to use this shape for the Starbase but adapted it for one of the laboratories.
I'm finishing up some unit testing before I promote these up to you. What you'll see when you get them is we are still missing a frigate factory and a refinery (if we choose to keep this with the race). Main view and info card icons are still missing too, however, I do have the research buttons created for the modules.
The other remaining models I need to address is the Nephilim Utility Templar Elite, Combat Fighter and Bomber, and Pilgrim Vessel. I have models for the Combat fighter and bomber and possibly the utility vehicle. After I get those in I'll need to restructure the Bliss research tree to reflect the changes for the Culture Center and associated research upgrades. I'll also start working on the weapons and general balance and abilities now that the majority of the models are in place. I need to dust off my balance spreadsheet so I can keep an eye on ships not getting to far out of balance.