i got tired of seeing requests for copies of the latest version reference files, even with my textbin gui in the field.
so here is the latest version references
sins 1.191 dropbox mirror
entrenchment 1.051
diplomacy 1.011
diplomacy 1.2
diplomacy 1.21
diplomacy 1.3
diplomacy 1.31 dropbox and filefactory
diplomacy 1.32 filefactory
sins of a solar empire 1.92, entrenchment 1.052(note still uses the entrenchment 1.05 mod folder), and diplomacy1.33
and now the
sins of a solar empire 1.193, entrenchment 1.053 and diplomacy 1.34 ref sets all are on filefactory the three sets are 21 mb
the rebellion release 1.01 refernce file set is 48mb and is in my dropbox
and the rebellion 1.02 ref set (27mb) in my dropbox deleted to make some space in the drop box
and the rebellion 1.03 ref set 27mb in my drop box deleted to mak space in drop box for 1.04
and now the rebellion 1.031 ref set (26mb in dropbox) deleted to make space in my dropbox
and now the rebellion 1.04 ref files (36,182 kb in dropbox) deleted to make space in my dropbox
and rebellion 1.041 ref files (41,805 kb in my dropbox)
and rebellion 1.1 ref files (41,507kb in my dropbox as a rar) and now a set of rebellion 1.1 refs in wincustomize (52,327kb in a zip) link corrected warning these filesa re missing the window folder and the brushes, a replacement is approved at wincustomise (https://www.wincustomize.com/explore/sins_mods/158/download)
and the rebellion 1.5 ref files (dropbox (36.12mb rar with error correction and best compression)) and (wincustomise (47.411mb zip still uploading))
and rebellion 1.51 refs are in wincustomise (https://www.wincustomize.com/explore/sins_mods/176/download) and my dropbox(https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/8023186/current%20sins%20ref%20sets/sins%20of%20a%20solar%20empire%20rebellion%201.51.rar)
and here are the gamestop sourced 1.35 trinity updated refs diplomacy, entrenchment, and original/vanilla all hosted at wincustomise
the gamestop diplomacy 1.37 refs have been uploaded to wincustomise, and are just waiting for authoriseation the link will be authorised (https://www.wincustomize.com/explore/sins_mods/157/download)
All the sounds,movies,textures and exe's other than the convertdata's have been removed, and all files have been converted to text mode by the latest version of my textbin gui.
and just for those whining bastards here is a link to the dropbox for rubbleiron 1.52 hotfix refs dropbox (https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/8023186/current%20sins%20ref%20sets/sins%20of%20a%20solar%20empire%20rebellion%201.52.rar),
and wincustomise (https://www.wincustomize.com/explore/sins_mods/177/download)
uploaded the 1.79 first beta ref files to wincustomise at (https://www.wincustomize.com/explore/sins_mods/178/)
and my dropbox (https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/8023186/current%20sins%20ref%20sets/sins%20of%20a%20solar%20empire%20rebellion%201.79a.rar)
the wincustomise is a ZIP archive and the dropbox is a RAR archive with solid and recovery records.
and here is the wincustomize set of 1.80 ref files
and a dropbox copy of the rebellion 1.83 refs at