I have started coding on another little program for automated conversion of files between txt & bin formats using the actual convertdata*.exe's and the correct convertdata for the files based on the pathname eg for entrenchment mods/reference files the path should contain "entrenchment" ditto for the next expansions, and for vanilla sins it SHOULD NOT contain any of the expansions names also it will work on all drives in the computer BUT does need the sins installation in the location pointed to by the registy.
it will also be able to make TXTed reference files as easily as converting an entire mod to/from bin
to make your own reference set you first COPY the program files sins folder to another location in the computer like for example 'my documents', then delete FROM THE COPY the appdata,font & sdplugins folders and the dll and exe files in the root of the copy then run the txt binner doing the entrenchment folder first then any other expansions you have and finally the vanilla sins and for each folder note which files have FAILED conversion
a more detailed overview of the program
psudo code outline
get the conversion type
get the location to convert
determine which convertdata to use based on the location (all three expansions will be supported)
scan the location to create a list of all files
for each file in the list use the convertdata to convert each file if it is NOT the type wanted, then test to see if it was converted correctly, if not list it in the failed conversion list, if it was then list it in the success list
end psudo code outline
note additional minor feature if you have a location you want to use as a sins reference files location and want it to be accessably with a single button then create a sinsref.txt in the same folder as the txt binner.exe and have as the first line of the file as the path to your sins reference location eg 'f:\sins reference' note the LACK of trailing backslash the program does not want it
the new versions of the mod updater and TXT BIN GUI use the correct version of the convertdata to do the actual convesion to text/bin eg updateing mods from entrenchment 1.01 to 1.03 the mod updater converts to text with convertdata_entrenchment1.01.exe and updates the entities, then converts back to bin with convertdata_entrenchment 1.03.exe.
I suggest not using the old version files the current is 1.1
the latest version is included in the utility pack that an be downloaded from my mod updater thread