I am thinking of codeing a quick & dirty vb program that will bruteforce convert all earlier maps to 1.14 & entrenchment beta 3.0.
if other mappers are interested I could make it available for general use
ie the program will search all directories for .galaxy files then read each one in, check if it need converting, if it does then add the new items into the file and write the results out if it does not then go to the next file in the list,
NEW instructions
1 download this (link is to a complete set of the utilities in my dropbox in anchive)
2 extract downloaded file to desktop (OR any other location in the computer)
3 open location you extracted the archive to
4 create shortcuts to all exe files other than convertdata*.exe
5 use shortcuts to start utility you want to use (btw rebellion versions will work with vanilla,enterenchment and diplomacy/trinity)
OLD instructions
download the rar which is "solid" with recovery records and a comment
extract the files to any folder
run the exe (written in VB6 so no dotnet runtime load), can also run from a usb stick and has been tested on xp32bit xp64 bit vista 32bit vista 64bit win7 32bit win7 64bit
click on "find galaxies" the program looks in the "appdata\ironclad games\sins of a solar empire" and "program files\Stardock Games\Sins of a Solar Empire" directories & all subdirectories for galaxy files & creates a list in memory of them all
click on "fix galaxies" the program then goes through the list of files it checks if it s an ironclad map if it is it skips it, then it reads the map into memory, then checks the versionnumber if it is the current version it skips the map, then renames the map to *.galold so that the original map is still there & hidden from sins and the map updater, then reads through each line in the map looking for the lines that have changed from the previous version map, when it finds one it replaces the old text with the new text and continues searching and it writes each line out after checking & no change or change is written out to the galaxy file and continues with the next line until the end of file when it closes the galaxy file & checks the next etc.. etc..
there is three other buttons in the program
"exit" exits the program (doooo!!!!)
"progfiles galaxies" shows you the program files sins directory and allows you browse (LOOK AT) the directories & show all GALAXY files
and the final button
"local apps galaxies"shows you the local applications\ironclad games\sins directory and allows you browse (LOOK AT) the directories & show all GALAXY files
now get out there and enjoy your older maps in the LATEST SIN
by the way it does also convert the map designer maps as well as galaxy forge maps
edit have extended the instructions txt files to convert version 1 maps to version 3 as well the structure txt files are the total change and available here http://www.mediafire.com/file/mrwd0fgmzom/sins map updater update txts.rar
edit I am starting on a new version that will CORRECTLY update version 0, version 1 & version 2 to version 3 maps, ie sins 1.00-1.03,1.04-1.05 and 1.10-1.14 to 1.15+ galaxies.
the latest version is in the mod updater archive which has all of my modding utilities
and the rebel tolerant beta version adds ONE extra button labeled 'rebel' that will lock it into working on the rebellion map updating in the CURRENT rebellion galaxyforge folder under the documents folder and only updating all the galaxy maps found there to the current rebellion only mapversion 4, and if used without clicking on the rebel button it works the same as the version in the mod updater set