this may have already been mentioned, but when pirates are set to inactive/the bounty minibox is otherwise not up, you can't click in the area that it would fill were it there. by that i mean that it won't have any effect. this is the more recent version (v1.11 I think, but I'd have to check)
I don't think it has been mentioned before, but you're right, you can hover over the object but can't select it.
Bumping bug post
So, there anybody w/ an idea on this, or at least let us know that one of the staff has seen this and are working on it.
It's not a huge deal and it's brand new so I wouldn't expect an immediate response.
I could see how it would be annoying though...
I just want to know that they know of it so I can let this post sink into the back pages.
I'd suggest sending and email to them and then letting this thread die.
hmm... I will soon, but i generally don't like help to fill their inbox. either that or I will pm one.
Just email there fast at responding
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