Wants List For GalCiv2
I am short sighted so most of these are for visual convienience...
A) When I choose a colour for my Civ I would like a significantly different colour chosen for all the other Civs.
When I select a ship its particular route should change to different colour to the other ships visible in the minimap.
C) My Ships and Starbases should be a different colour to the other Civs on the minimap.
D) Starbases should be in a different colour to movable Ships on the minimap and if a Ship is on the same space as a Starbase then it should be a third colour to indicate this fact.
E) When building an item on a world the influence / industrial / economic / upkeep / defence benefits should be shown when the item is selected before adding it to the build queue.
F) Clicking on the Blue Ship Built icon which takes you to the newly built ship should also deactivate the currently selected ship so that when it is told to go somewhere the currently selected ship doesnt move instead of the newly created ship.
G) When a Ship is on "Sentry" duty it should be able to ignore certain types of non threatening ships to prevent the need to reinitiate "Sentry" duty each turn (If the player wishes to) ... ie Frieghters, Scouts and Constructor ships.
H) When upgrading a Starbase it would be nice to know what the Starbase is in particular need of before telling the Constructor to build an improvement to it.
I) I would like to be able to move a Starbase after is has been built. (Perhaps with a penalty whilst the Starbase is in movement).