I think we should name them ideology points and ideological awareness. I'm not sold on the concept of it being a two-step thing.
Instead, perhaps there should simply be ideological points earned in different categories that automatically unlock stuff once you have enough.
Yeah, I think that would be best, especially since it would "balance" the early tiers that give small bonuses since it would feel that they come as freebies instead of something you need to spend very limited points.
If the two-step system were stay, culture points could be more common but you needing to spend them in the tree in order.
The problem I see there is that the player doesn't get enough awareness of what these choices mean. But IF you can minimize an event and then bring up the ideology screen you can then see the ramifications of your choices.
That would be great, I'm really used to it in Old World, especially for events that ask you to spend money. Sometimes you don't have enough, so you sell some stuff to get it. Here is impossible.