Alright i actually logged in to make a similar thread but i will post my thought/question here to not clog up the boards so i apologize for a semi hijack.
Many many hours in gc2 and many hours in GC3 betas. I know the AI isn't really in and isn't complete but has it been communicated to the devs how awful the basics of the AI are ignoring difficulty and their decision making, just talking about their game play.
<Speaking from a war perspective since that is really the only part of the game somewhat complete>
Besides all the play style shortfalls in the AI the general game play like no matter the difficulty and no matter how much i mod/buff the AI with tech ships and logistics mid to end game is just every race throwing 3 of their largest ships at you over and over and over again. Sadly in GC2 the AI was super spam 1-3 ships at you in a giant line all war long. I was really hoping at least in GC3 they could make an AI that at least operated their empires in a more fun to play against way.There is no diversity in their fleets tactics anything(just like GC2 and why it gets stale). Its just they make 1 type of ship non stop throw three in a fleet and send it at the target. If you do get them to make anything larger its just because of weird stacking and unstacking reasons. If they are doing anything on the map its small scale zerg.
Hoping in 2014/15 they can at least make the AI create interesting to combat ships/fleets instead its like playing against a terrible robot doing the exact same thing over and over and over again until i the player gets bored.
I really hope this stand in AI isn't closer to the finished product than we want to believe.
Maybe im the minority and the community enjoys playing against this type of AI but shrug.