I've got a few possible bugs, I was wondering if anyone can confirm:
1: Occasionally, setting a command group with a fleet with multiple capital ships (via pressing ctrl + <number>) will cause the ship called to change.
Example: I had a fleet with a Discordia, Progenitor, and Halcyon. I set them to command group 1 with the progenitor as lead and go do something else. When I come back to them by pressing "1", I'm greeted by the Discordia. I press ctrl + 1 again, go do something else, and call again with "1" to have the Halcyon suddenly be head. Repeating this causes the leader to switch between the Discordia and the Halcyon.
2: Occasionally the capital ships get out of order when tab-switching.
Example: In the above mentioned example, I would have to pres tab something like 100 times (it was a pretty big fleet) in order to call the Progenitor, unless I clicked it in the empire tree. Shift + tab could probably be used, except it calls up Steam's overlay. Grrr...
3: Making a fleet with multiple capital ships and a Titan causes the whole ensemble to get very spread out.
Example: Continuing the above two examples, if I have my Loyalist Titan grouped with the fleet they seem to split into three separate groups, no matter what the fleet cohesion is set to. Take the titan out, and I get a nice little battle-ball. This is a bit problematic when I'm trying to use the Mass Unity ability...
Can anyone confirm these? Sorry for the long post...