On two occasions, while watching two different replays (0.62), I've noticed that the replay didn't record my cap ship ability choice. Both times I had a Kol flying about and attacking without any abilities selected. I know I that selected the first ability, Gauss Rail Gun, and was testing militia killing speed at my roid, but the Kol never showed an ability selected! Thus the Kol took longer to kill the militia, than was the actual case. The replay was obviously an incorrect recording.
Has anyone else noticed anything wonky about Replays? I sent in replays and saves.
I was playing with Flagships and Research Victory conditions on.
And, I noted, an additional graphical glitch: the Replay clock display overlaps with Research Victory icons (full screen display, at 1920 x 1080 Video Resolution).
[Edit: I've seen several instances of the graphical glitch (overlap), with various victory conditions.]