I wonder if influence can make your income or revenue go up. I know that it does in GC 2, but in GC 1 I can't figure it out, just that it gives you more votes on the United Planet's meetings.
I believe it somehow affects Tourism, which brings you money.
As for how MUCH it affects tourism, I have no idea, sorry.
I don't think the mechanics between GC1 and GC2 are compatible, and more importantly, i don't think there is anyone on these forums who plays GC1 anymore, besides yourself i guess. Many of the old timers who came over from GC1 hve left the forums many years ago.Aegix is correct in that is how it works in GC2. I have never played GC1 so i cannot say how or even if Influence factors income. I'd say the only persons on the boards that could answer it would be Kryo or Brad.
I really don't recall what effects it had beyond generating IP for votes (great for baiting AIs into generous trades before 1.2) and flipping planets. I was always more of a fan of the terror star alpha strike myself
I still do occasionally, even though I pretty much suck at it.
As to the OPs question, Influence has no effect on income at all.
Thanks for all the replies. Now I understand more about the game.
Hello. (First post, I know, just signed up.)
Unlike GC2, influence only affects United Planets voting in GC1.
(Play both games, and mod GC1.)
The minor races make influence points as well, you can buy it off of them. (They can't use it anyway)
If I am not mistaken in GC1 it was possible for a minor race to take over a major one(!) by influence. Actually there are bits that I found better in GC1 and without that game I would probably not have bought GC2.
Yes, but it is unlikely to happen, as it requires the minor to get a good starting point, which they don't often get.
I've had games where the Alexians or Carinoids were more powerful than the majors.
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