Assumption has been made that you do not want to be a zombie and must avoid it at all costs. But why?
Life as a zombie offers several advantages to your prior existence:
1. Sentience has a price. Zombies are free of considerations such as fear of death, need to know "what's out there", paying tax, spare for retirement plan, obligatory schooling, etc.
2. Zombies are not expected to form a plan or decide what to do with their life. As a zombie, achievement of your goals is virtually assured.
3. Zombies cannot be embarrassed, jilted, feel pressure to conform, or suffer from poor self-esteem. As a zombie, you will not be in any way ashamed or guilty about doing whatever you want, whenever you want. Of course, what you want will be to shamble after people and eat their brains. If you are a ugly geek with glass, being a zombies can be your only opportunity to take reveange on these highschool football star who have always insult you... who know, if you are fast enough, you will be able to take a bite at your dreamgirl who have always ignore you !!!
4. If you choose to become a zombie, you can avoid all the hard work described up. In trying to remain unturned, apparently you will need to build a fortress, raise a crop of vegetables, repeatedly load and fire your shotgun, etc., etc. It seems extremely unlikely that you can do all of this without great physical exertion, not to mention a few blisters.
5. Zombies don't get blisters.
In short, perhaps you may decide that the life of a zombie-fighter is for you; but for most people, it simply isn't the right choice. This is probably why, in any given zombie population, no people choose to become anti-zombie insurgents. Every zombies seem happy of their new status and don't revolt...
Simply remember our great zombies leader who have use the slogan "Change we can believe in" ( "change" is about becoming zombie ) and the chant "Yes We Can" ( and only once turned, "we can" make everything we want )...