I would like to make a polite suggestion that the JoeUser forum postings not be automatically posted to your game forums. Or, I would appreciate the option to disable them, if possible.
I log on to this site to follow the development of your software products, and, in browsing, have often come across posts that I find to be, frankly, somewhat offensive through the JoeUser forums.
True, a person certainly has the right to say whatever he or she wants in the public domain, but after reading several of the posts that have popped up lately, I can't imagine that you would want them associated with your product line. Again, I strenuously agree that a person has the right to say whatever he or she would like, but this is not a public venue.
Anyway, feel free to ignore this post, but at least one of your customers is uncomfortable with interacting with the wide net you've cast with your forum software.