I hope someone can help me with this.
I am running Windows XP.
If I have WindowBlinds loaded, and open a project under Visual Studio 2008 (a C# Windows Forms project), Visual Studio automatically changes the size and locations of all my controls on all my forms.
A little experimentation, and help from MS tech support, has led me to the realization that this only happens if I've loaded WindowBlinds. More specifically though, it only happens if the theme under the display properties "Themes" tab is set to "Modified Theme", which is something WindowBlinds does.
Even if I unload WindowBlinds, the problem still persists until I set the Theme back to something predefined, like "Windows XP" or "Windows Classic". The problem does not occur with either of those.
Also, I've noticed that while WindowBlinds is loaded, I can go into the "Themes" tab and change the theme all I want, but when I exit the display properties dialog and re-enter, it will be reset to "Modified Theme". I'm guessing WindowBlinds is just overriding whatever I do there to maintain things the way it wants them.
Can anyone help me? I love WindowBlinds and all, but I've gotta work with Visual Studio, and I can't have it making unwanted changes to the size and location of all my forms and controls every time I load a project!!