Hmm, I'm not sure how the web side of things is supposed to work, but perhaps it's a problem with your cookies? Or try signing in, then out again, see if that kicks the system into working.
Let us know if you're still getting problems.
edit: And is your name an ArrestedDev. reference, or jsut a happy coincidence?
Hmm...I'll let the web team know about the prob, perhaps they can get your problems fixed ASAP.
"..Even it if it means me taking a chubby, I will suck it up!" - pure genius Gonna miss that show so least we have positive reviews of GC2 to keep me happy
It's a good show...I'll try not to hype it up too much, since the humor can be a bit dry at times (not unfunny dry, just takes a bit of thinking to put 2 + 2 together), but the characters are great and the writing is top-notch.
Hope your problem gets fixed soon
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