I am about 24 hrs into Supernova, and I have started about 6-7 games (since we're all tinkering). I am seeing 2 strange things:
1) I am not getting options for additional candidates for techs, even at turn 84 and having progressed through a few dozen techs already.
2) I don't seem to be able to add leaders to factions. Is there an unlock in the tech or culture trees that I am missing?
I thought this might just be something missing for early release, but I saw a screenshot from another player who has additional candidates for their tech options.
Not sure what you mean in the first para.
Second para the same a screen shot would help.
Last para there are four abilities in the civ builder that add additional techs Farmer, urbanite, researcher, and bureaucrats to get some techs in those fields you must choose them when creating your Civ.
When I get the option to select my research, I'm only getting the 2 (or 3 w/ my Tech Minister) that are pre-selected. The "additional candidates" columns remains empty, even though there are others that are unlocked.
Under Leaders > Factions, if I slide a Leader Portrait under a faction to assign them there, it just doesn't work. No error message, the portrait just doesn't stick there.
I actually selected all 4 of those abilities when creating my race, it's not hidden techs, I have more than 3 unlocked.